A Greek court has sentenced the seven core leaders of the party Golden Dawn – Nikos Michaloliakos, Christos Pappas, Artemis Matthaiopoulos, Ilias Panagiotaros, Ilias Kasidiaris, Yiannis Lagos and Giorgos Germenis – to thirteen years imprisonment.

Presiding judge Maria Lepenioti also handed down to eleven other former Golden Dawn members of the Greek parliament variously between five and seven years.

The guilty verdicts were issued on October 7, 2020, by the Athens Appeals Court and found the Golden Dawn leadership guilty of the crucial and extraordinary charge of running a “criminal organisation”.  This broad brushstroke-crime mixed fact and fantasy, conspiracy, thought crime, hearsay and minor street offences, into a witch’s brew similar to American racketeering law. The statute would have it that the political party was itself a ‘crime’, or part of a crime, and reasonably it can now – be banned.

Other members of Golden Dawn were sentenced for other offences.

The show trial lasted for five years (from 2015), with the leading defendants having also endured eighteen months ‘investigative detention’. It was clear at once in 2013 with the arrests themselves, that the entire process was to be an exercise by the Greek state in the suppression of a growing nationalist party.

The Golden Dawn accused were nationalists. They were opposed to the refugee hordes knocking at the doors of Hellas. They fought the ‘Memorandum’ which saw Greece put in hock to the European bankers for its debts. As Greece teetered on the edge of a financial collapse occasioned by the usual class of shysters and criminals, Golden Dawn boomed. A party organized to the three-tier method (electoral work, community activism and ideological-cultural development and defence), Golden Dawn had become a major challenge. Europe’s bankers demanded their blood.

After the arrests in 2013, Golden Dawn was denied its special parliamentary funding, banned from the public media, refused rights to obtain public venues. In a dangerous development, an ‘anarchist’ leader mysteriously escaped from prison and was probably responsible for the murder by the machine-gunning of two young Golden Dawn activists and the grievous wounding of another. These crimes had the marks of the secret-state branded upon them. Golden Dawn offices were attacked and if members defended themselves – they would be targeted for arrest. The extreme-left (as usual) lent itself to the ‘anti-fascist / anti-racist’ struggle (sic) proving as ever, that the real challenge to globalist capitalism comes not from the Left, but the nationalists. The trial, as a show trial, was meant to demonise the defendants, the very ideals of Greek nationalism too and to signal to the people what may happen if they resist the plans of the globalists.

Greek freedom was undermined. For seven years, Golden Dawn was under siege and struggled to fight on. Its leader, General Secretary Nikos Michaloliakos, throughout revealed himself as a man whose abilities at this struggle were second to none. Indeed, no one could ever have done better. He is a Hero of the Greek Nation! His supporters are martyrs to freedom!

Last December, as the peculiarities of Greek law permit, the prosecutors told the court that the essential charge of “criminal organisation” could not be sustained and they invited the court to acquit the accused (!). Nonetheless, the court has done its duty to the state, to globalist capitalism – to convict them. Whether or not the case is appealed, whether or not it ends up in the European Court as a flagrant political case, is to us, quite irrelevant. The Greek state is the crime! This trial was politics and nothing else. A judge can throw legal perfume at it and the President of Greece can praise the verdicts, but it was a sham.

Australia First Party protested in 2013 – 2014 against the pre-trial detentions. It joined nationalists in many countries who saw the political nature of the charges. It is now likely protests will take place across the world (including Australia) and in Greece.

We salute the Greek nationalists and admonish them to establish the necessary party to resume the struggle. We encourage the Golden Dawn political prisoners to maintain their faith and fight until victory.

Many are with you!

Sydney, October 16 2020


For some time the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has been probing the financial activities of ex-Liberal Party member of parliament, Daryl Maguire.  Indeed, he wove a web of corruption throughout the Riverina and in Sydney.
Then, dynamite testimony heard on September 30 and October 1 turned up Maguire’s involvement in rezoning matters at the Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis projects. Information surfaced too, regarding properties owned by a convicted murderer, Ron Medich. In 2018, this man was convicted of conspiracy in the murder of fellow developer, Michael McGurk.
For a long time now, Medich’s appeal against conviction notwithstanding, allegations have been afloat that other hands may have been involved in framing the broader parameters of the conspiracy.
Lili Orrock, lead Australia First Party candidate for East Ward in Penrith City Council, said today:
“The ICAC can investigate motives in the murder of McGurk if corruption is involved. If there is any doubt of this, parliament could extend to it the necessary authority. The Aerotropolis has now turned up more than its share of corrupt practices and manipulative organisations and real estate based profiteers. This investigation must be extended. This Aerotropolis project has been shrouded in secrecy for too long.”

Star Observer reports on Susan Jakobi’s plan to defund queer events



An Australia First candidate for the Victorian local council elections is seeking to defund LGBTQI events. Susan Jakobi is a candidate for the Ballarat City Council (South Ward).
“I am the mother of three sons and as an Australian nationalist, I stand only for the best interests of Australians,” Jakobi states in her candidate statement on the Victorian Electoral Commission website.
“We should not sit idle while Ballarat becomes a series of ethnic ghettos like Melbourne. Ballarat is under assault,” claims Jakobi, while going on to list her programmes. Jakobi says that if elected she will “refuse to work in partnership with any organisation that compromises our prosperity, heritage and cultural identity, such as overseas student programs that deprive Aussie youth of education, employment and affordable housing.”
She then outlines her plan to “freeze all funding to any event which does not promote the best interest of the whole community – such as LGBTQI and multicultural events.”
Star Observer emailed Jakobi for further clarification around her candidate statement. We will update this story once we receive a response.
Other candidates from the South Ward expressed concern at Jakobi’s statements and emphasised that her views were not shared by the Ballarat electorate.
Des Hudson, Ballarat councillor and Victoria Police youth resource officer, who was honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2019, said the VEC brochure had not arrived in his letterbox but he had seen a copy of it on Facebook.
“The contents concern me greatly as in Ballarat we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive city for everyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, demographic background etc,” Hudson told Star Observer. “They are certainly not views that I share.  Ultimately the voters of the South Ward will make the ultimate determination of their relevance.”
Professor Bridget Aitchison, the Labor candidate for South Ward, emphasised that Ballarat supported diversity. “I support a council that is committed, as per its policies, to supporting diversity and multiculturalism. We must ensure Ballarat continues to be a rich and vibrant city that celebrates its diversity and understands the value that diversity brings to the city. Jakobi’s views are extreme and not shared by the vast majority of the population. I abhor any form of discrimination and support diversity in its many expressions – whether that be based on ethnicity, gender, sexual-orientation, or other – as the lifeblood of a thriving city.”
Aithcison is one of the four other candidates from the South Ward, who have signed the Rainbow Pledge, promising to support and protect LGBTQI communities, if they are elected to the council.
Victorian Pride Lobby Co-Convenor, Nevena Spirovska in a statement pointed out that the calls to a ban to funding for LGBTQI events would have a “detrimental effect” on local events like the Ballarat Frolic Festival.
“Ballarat has the fifth highest percentage of LGBTQI people of any local government area in Victoria. Yet this candidate wants to ban events funding going to LGBTQI events. A ban on events funding for groups, like the Ballarat Frolic Festival, would breach the Equal Opportunity Act. What this candidate is proposing is basically illegal. All of this candidate’s statements are disturbing and appalling. This Australia First candidate will put Ballarat last.” said Spirovska.
Jay Morrison, one of the three openly LGBTQI candidates for the Ballarat City Council (North Ward) and director of the Ballarat Frolic Festival, pointed out that Ballarat had voted “Yes” in support of same sex marriages in the 2017 national marriage equality vote.
“Growing up in regional Victoria, I’ve seen how much has changed and how much the community has embraced diversity. Councils play an important leadership role on LGBTQI issues – whether that’s flying the rainbow flag or supporting local pride events like the Ballarat Frolic Festival that connect the community, bring tourists to our region and support our local businesses,” said Morrison.
“Ballarat is home to a diverse LGBTQI community and there is no place in our city for hate or homophobia,” said Greens candidate for Ballarat City Council (South Ward) Jackson Snep. “Supporting and advocating for LGBTWI communities is something I take very seriously, and as a Greens-endorsed candidate and signatory to the Victorian Pride Lobby’s pledge, I believe our Council should strive to celebrate sexual and gender diversity by continuing to host and promote LGBTQI inclusive events like Frolic Festival. Council could play a critical role in the ongoing fight for equality, by advocating for human rights and working to end discrimination.”
This is not the first time Jakobi or the Australia First party has been in the news for their views. In 2016, the Herald Sun had reported about Jakobi who was then contesting the elections from Lalor, sent an email  linked to an anonymous post that referred to Wyndham as an “ethnic sewage farm” full of “hordes of non-white refugees.”
In the 2019 federal elections, Jakobi again contested as a candidate from Lalor for the Australia First party, where she promised to stop “plague level immigration and overpopulation chaos.” Jakobi was placed fifth in the 2019 Federal elections from the Lalor seat. She polled 4.4% of the first preference votes, an increase of 1.3% from the 2016 elections.
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Ballarat City Council Candidate Wants To Defund Queer Events