The Eight Core Policies of Australia First are the basis of association for the party. They are (with explanation and the implied ninth point) as follows:
Ensure Australia Retains Full Independence
Protect our sovereignty (national, constitutional, and personal) and maintain an adequate defence whilst being compassionate and fair in our Nation’s international dealings.
Rebuild Australian Manufacturing Industries
This is the only way we can be self-sufficient. It will provide jobs for our children, and help buy back the farm and allow Australia to be free of foreign debts. Our infrastructure has been run down over many years – it must be rebuilt. We must improve the practicality and relevance of our educational systems, and target government support for industry to diversify, innovate, perform, and expand. We recognise that small business is fundamental to this policy. A satisfactory financial environment is also essential.
Control Foreign Ownership
Bring foreign ownership and investment back under control.
Reduce and Limit Immigration
Immigration mistakes can be big long term mistakes. Immigration policy must take into account social cohesion, employment opportunities, urbanisation and environmental issues.
Abolish Multiculturalism
End the divisive, government-funded and institutionalised policy of multiculturalism.
Introduce Citizen’s Initiated Referenda
Amend the Australian Constitution so that the people can initiate constitutional referendums which, if approved by the Australian people, will amend the Australian Constitution. This simple step will confirm the political authority of voters and make politicians aware that they are the servants of the Australian people, not their masters. The people directly should also possess the sovereign right and the power to initiate other legislation.
Strengthen the Family
Promote policies that strengthen and protect the traditional family.
Strive To Rebuild A United Australia
Promote policies that recognise the interdependence of city and country.
The 8 Core Policies are mentioned in the Constitution of the Party and are its political articles of association.
Issues of public interest on which Australia First needs to formulate policy will be canvassed with the party membership and plebiscites conducted where deemed appropriate by the party’s National Council. The party also permits branches to formulate specific electoral policies or community policies not inconsistent with the Eight Core Policies.
From time to time, the party will issue material that provides an interpretation of the core policies. This interpretative material would reflect the spirit of the party.
The organisational purpose for this statement of policy and system for policy creation is simple: Australia First does not require weighty tomes, which change from month to month, as do the programmes of the Establishment parties and those who ape them. It requires a focus for action and unity within the party.
Australia First is to build a new national movement. Practicality is the method.
“Whatever will benefit Australia, that we are for; whatever will harm Australia, that we are against.”
– William Lane