The campaign for East Ward in Penrith City is shaping up into an effort to block a nationalist from winning a place.

Five councillors are elected in the ward in an optional preference system that comes down to ‘first past the post’.

It is fairly predicted that Labor will elect two councillors. The Liberals will certainly elect one but will be hard-pressed to elect a second.

The ward is also contested by the Australia First Party and three groups of independents.

Consequently, we were not surprised that the Liberals had decided to ‘preference’ Marlene Shipley, an ostensible independent, who just as predictably – ‘preferenced’ the Liberals in return. It is a tight field and for those with a particular agenda, votes must not scatter!

No other party or group is giving ‘preferences’ which makes this arrangement more than telling.

Marlene Shipley is a St. Marys businesswoman and a member of the St. Marys Town Centre Corporation, a body that is keen to ‘develop’ St. Marys in ways that take advantage of the Inland Rail line from the Badgerys Creek airport to a ‘freight hub’ north of the shopping centre.

Ms. Shipley is (according to her website) remains involved the ClubGrants scheme (a charity scheme whereby local clubs supposedly contribute to worthy charities) which has come under intense scrutiny for favouritism in the last several months ( see: )

The Shiplyey website says:

“It looks like another long hot summer, but without adequate shade or shelter in public areas like St Marys Town Centre (picture) the space is often unusable. East Ward residents deserve to have proper sun protection, especially during the hottest and probably busiest retail time of the year.  I’d like to know how other residents feel? Should adequate facilities and protection in public areas be a priority? And where do you think would benefit most?”

Really – when the Aerotropolis and airport could drive summer temperatures to 50 degrees?! There is not a word against this. Obviously, we know why.

In this election, the voters need more than just another ‘representative’. We will give them fighters! Campaigners!

To follow the campaign, two Facebook pages are of assistance:

Stop the Western Sydney Aerotropolis –

Australia First Party

This “independent’s” card looks as if the Liberals created it.


The Australia First team for East Ward in Penrith City has been active for weeks at ground level, spreading its message by posters, leaflets and door to door and street-level conversation.

Team leaders, Lili Orrock and Michelle Burgess report positive feedback from ordinary people who have all noticed the colourless campaigns of the Liberal and Labor parties and so-called ‘independents’.

The message of Australia First posits that Penrith City is in diabolical trouble as it sits in the frontline of the globalist economic offensive. This offensive is to ramp up in intensity in 2022, with new waves of visa workers, business (sic) investors and foreign students, all set for an area of traditional Australia that it will culture-bust and ultimately – ‘cleanse’.

The game is on and the stakes are huge. Who will resist?

With a massive airport development on land fought over by the likes of the murdered Michael McGurk and his killer Ron Medich, billionaire Harry Triguboff, Daryl Maguire and shifty operators of all sorts and a nearby ‘Aerotropolis’ to be populated by foreign students and technical staff, and an Inland Rail link to a huge freight hub at St. Marys that will eat land and housing, Penrith can expect to change beyond recognition. That is, unless, there is a people’s fightback.

Only Australia First candidates have called to sink the Aerotropolis and the Inland Rail, and limit the airport, restrain all development on the Luddenham and Badgerys Creek floodplains and cease with any attempt to raise the dam wall at Warragamba. Our candidates predict a composite disaster: loss of wildlife, floodings, a heat bubble over Penrith, few jobs for locals and their economic displacement.

Does the Penrith Council have a position that favours Australian producers and people? Hardly. Not a single present councillor is opposed to the globalist revolution. The councillors can see only dollars and development and infrastructure (sic). Liberal, Labor, the same.

And they are quick to assemble their allies who pose as ‘independent’. In that regard, we may site Marlene Shipley (a St. Marys businesswoman) and Marcus Cornish (a long-time councillor) who are, in all but name – Liberals. And the Greens? Nowhere to be found and Labor hopeful of soaking up the votes of their usual ‘ally’.

Asked by a local media outlet to explain her position, Lili Orrock provided this statement:

“I am the East Ward Candidate who says no to those who will compromise our lifestyle and our heritage in Penrith.

  I have dealt with various local government bureaucracies on behalf of businesses and workers. I have been both employer and employee: I have learned how to advocate for people based on ethical principles.

 I have campaigned that the future of Penriths’ local business, food producers and workers isn’t good. A third Sydney CBD, the Inland Railway, the Aerotropolis, will not employ locals. As a developing ‘special economic zone’ all this is for visa labour and foreign businesses. I prefer Penriths’ economy benefits its citizens.

 In contrast to the Liberal and Labor parties, my commitments do not comply with the multinationals or other corporations and aren’t based upon globalism.
The Aerotropolis and Nancy-Bird Walton airport development will create man-made climate change with the destruction of farms and wildlife with occasional temperatures of 50 degrees for Penrith.

 Penrith Council commits a dereliction of duty. While there are homeless, older women living in cars or parks in our city, Council darkly envisions sand minding the Nepean for development, foreign-controlled freight hubs, full urbanization on flood plains and building high-rise. 

 I will be a relentless campaigner for those homeless women, for those who may lose their land to the Inland Railway, for our natural environment and the higher cause of Australian Independence.

 I would ensure that empowered vested interests cannot manipulate Council at the expense of its citizens.”

The fight may see Australia First enter into Council. Our members have risen to the occasion as have local supporters. It will be a hard fight, but our representation on Council may spark a community impulse not to allow the globalists their way!


To follow the campaign, two Facebook pages are of assistance:

Stop the Western Sydney Aerotropolis –

Australia First Party




Lili is a long term resident of western Sydney. Over time, Lili has run successful businesses and understands that small business is the lifeline of our economy -especially in Penrith and nearby local areas. She also has experience working in the building industry.

Lili has always been committed to ethics in social issues around the conduct of business. She once instigated a defamation case against a Fairfax newspaper and made case law.

Lili fought the City of Sydney Council and its Lord Mayor, Clover Moore, who as the nemesis of small business destroyed the nightlife in the inner-city harming jobs in bars and restaurants – including Lili’s own business.  Lili has become a determined activist against the big-money/politics nexus that runs our country – especially in local governments.

Lili has been a long time member of the Australia First Party and has been a candidate for the party in other local government elections. Lili would embrace the opportunity to represent the East Ward and be of service to the local community as a fearless people’s advocate.


Michelle Burgess has joined the Australia First ticket in East Ward, Penrith City Council. She is number two after Lili Orrock.

Michelle has been a resident of Penrith City for over twenty years. She is community-focused and served for thirteen years as the Chief Executive Officer of the Industrial Health and Research Foundation -Workers Health rehabilitation where she addressed issues such as workplace injury, returning workers to the workplace and compensation law.

Michelle was also a serving Board member on the Board of the B Miles Foundation who supports women living with a mental illness who are experiencing homelessness.

Michelle’s original political allegiance was to the Australian Labor Party where she was a member for some twenty plus years. Ultimately, she came to reject the ALP as a party that pushed self-interest, infighting and did not represent the interests of the community.

Michelle has served as both delegate, NSW Secretary and Assistant Secretary for over three decades in the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union. In that capacity she represented the rights of ordinary working people and was heavily involved in the Save Australian Manufacturing campaign and many and varied community campaigns.

Michelle said: “Our candidacy will ensure a transparent balance to the local Council activities and a true voice for the families and workers of the Penrith area”. We differ significantly from our usual political opponents because our only loyalties are only to the people of Penrith. We have no alignment to multinationals or corporations or politically correct thinking”. We are interested only in providing for the interest of the local people and their needs – the tradies, small business and families”

Michelle is also a JP, local business investor and has lived locally for over 25 years.


1. Supports community resistance against developing Penrith as a third CBD for Greater Sydney

2. Opposes the construction of an Aerotropolis at the second airport at Badgerys Creek with Penrith overrun with foreign business and overseas students; that it is wrong on economic, security and cultural grounds.

3. Stands with all homeowners and residents who will suffer their property seized thanks to the Inland Rail line from Badgerys Creek to St.Marys.

4. Supports farmers who will have their livelihoods destroyed by the Aerotropolis and urbanisation of areas south of Penrith.

5. Stands with all environmentally conscious people to oppose sand mining and stone quarrying along the Nepean and Hawkesbury rivers and the unnecessary and dangerous raising of the walls at Warragamba Dam.

The election of Australia First in East Ward will bring to local politics an uncompromising voice in the defence of Australians and our country’s interest.



A Greek court has sentenced the seven core leaders of the party Golden Dawn – Nikos Michaloliakos, Christos Pappas, Artemis Matthaiopoulos, Ilias Panagiotaros, Ilias Kasidiaris, Yiannis Lagos and Giorgos Germenis – to thirteen years imprisonment.

Presiding judge Maria Lepenioti also handed down to eleven other former Golden Dawn members of the Greek parliament variously between five and seven years.

The guilty verdicts were issued on October 7, 2020, by the Athens Appeals Court and found the Golden Dawn leadership guilty of the crucial and extraordinary charge of running a “criminal organisation”.  This broad brushstroke-crime mixed fact and fantasy, conspiracy, thought crime, hearsay and minor street offences, into a witch’s brew similar to American racketeering law. The statute would have it that the political party was itself a ‘crime’, or part of a crime, and reasonably it can now – be banned.

Other members of Golden Dawn were sentenced for other offences.

The show trial lasted for five years (from 2015), with the leading defendants having also endured eighteen months ‘investigative detention’. It was clear at once in 2013 with the arrests themselves, that the entire process was to be an exercise by the Greek state in the suppression of a growing nationalist party.

The Golden Dawn accused were nationalists. They were opposed to the refugee hordes knocking at the doors of Hellas. They fought the ‘Memorandum’ which saw Greece put in hock to the European bankers for its debts. As Greece teetered on the edge of a financial collapse occasioned by the usual class of shysters and criminals, Golden Dawn boomed. A party organized to the three-tier method (electoral work, community activism and ideological-cultural development and defence), Golden Dawn had become a major challenge. Europe’s bankers demanded their blood.

After the arrests in 2013, Golden Dawn was denied its special parliamentary funding, banned from the public media, refused rights to obtain public venues. In a dangerous development, an ‘anarchist’ leader mysteriously escaped from prison and was probably responsible for the murder by the machine-gunning of two young Golden Dawn activists and the grievous wounding of another. These crimes had the marks of the secret-state branded upon them. Golden Dawn offices were attacked and if members defended themselves – they would be targeted for arrest. The extreme-left (as usual) lent itself to the ‘anti-fascist / anti-racist’ struggle (sic) proving as ever, that the real challenge to globalist capitalism comes not from the Left, but the nationalists. The trial, as a show trial, was meant to demonise the defendants, the very ideals of Greek nationalism too and to signal to the people what may happen if they resist the plans of the globalists.

Greek freedom was undermined. For seven years, Golden Dawn was under siege and struggled to fight on. Its leader, General Secretary Nikos Michaloliakos, throughout revealed himself as a man whose abilities at this struggle were second to none. Indeed, no one could ever have done better. He is a Hero of the Greek Nation! His supporters are martyrs to freedom!

Last December, as the peculiarities of Greek law permit, the prosecutors told the court that the essential charge of “criminal organisation” could not be sustained and they invited the court to acquit the accused (!). Nonetheless, the court has done its duty to the state, to globalist capitalism – to convict them. Whether or not the case is appealed, whether or not it ends up in the European Court as a flagrant political case, is to us, quite irrelevant. The Greek state is the crime! This trial was politics and nothing else. A judge can throw legal perfume at it and the President of Greece can praise the verdicts, but it was a sham.

Australia First Party protested in 2013 – 2014 against the pre-trial detentions. It joined nationalists in many countries who saw the political nature of the charges. It is now likely protests will take place across the world (including Australia) and in Greece.

We salute the Greek nationalists and admonish them to establish the necessary party to resume the struggle. We encourage the Golden Dawn political prisoners to maintain their faith and fight until victory.

Many are with you!

Sydney, October 16 2020


For some time the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has been probing the financial activities of ex-Liberal Party member of parliament, Daryl Maguire.  Indeed, he wove a web of corruption throughout the Riverina and in Sydney.
Then, dynamite testimony heard on September 30 and October 1 turned up Maguire’s involvement in rezoning matters at the Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis projects. Information surfaced too, regarding properties owned by a convicted murderer, Ron Medich. In 2018, this man was convicted of conspiracy in the murder of fellow developer, Michael McGurk.
For a long time now, Medich’s appeal against conviction notwithstanding, allegations have been afloat that other hands may have been involved in framing the broader parameters of the conspiracy.
Lili Orrock, lead Australia First Party candidate for East Ward in Penrith City Council, said today:
“The ICAC can investigate motives in the murder of McGurk if corruption is involved. If there is any doubt of this, parliament could extend to it the necessary authority. The Aerotropolis has now turned up more than its share of corrupt practices and manipulative organisations and real estate based profiteers. This investigation must be extended. This Aerotropolis project has been shrouded in secrecy for too long.”

Star Observer reports on Susan Jakobi’s plan to defund queer events



An Australia First candidate for the Victorian local council elections is seeking to defund LGBTQI events. Susan Jakobi is a candidate for the Ballarat City Council (South Ward).
“I am the mother of three sons and as an Australian nationalist, I stand only for the best interests of Australians,” Jakobi states in her candidate statement on the Victorian Electoral Commission website.
“We should not sit idle while Ballarat becomes a series of ethnic ghettos like Melbourne. Ballarat is under assault,” claims Jakobi, while going on to list her programmes. Jakobi says that if elected she will “refuse to work in partnership with any organisation that compromises our prosperity, heritage and cultural identity, such as overseas student programs that deprive Aussie youth of education, employment and affordable housing.”
She then outlines her plan to “freeze all funding to any event which does not promote the best interest of the whole community – such as LGBTQI and multicultural events.”
Star Observer emailed Jakobi for further clarification around her candidate statement. We will update this story once we receive a response.
Other candidates from the South Ward expressed concern at Jakobi’s statements and emphasised that her views were not shared by the Ballarat electorate.
Des Hudson, Ballarat councillor and Victoria Police youth resource officer, who was honoured with the Medal of the Order of Australia in 2019, said the VEC brochure had not arrived in his letterbox but he had seen a copy of it on Facebook.
“The contents concern me greatly as in Ballarat we pride ourselves on being a welcoming and inclusive city for everyone regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, demographic background etc,” Hudson told Star Observer. “They are certainly not views that I share.  Ultimately the voters of the South Ward will make the ultimate determination of their relevance.”
Professor Bridget Aitchison, the Labor candidate for South Ward, emphasised that Ballarat supported diversity. “I support a council that is committed, as per its policies, to supporting diversity and multiculturalism. We must ensure Ballarat continues to be a rich and vibrant city that celebrates its diversity and understands the value that diversity brings to the city. Jakobi’s views are extreme and not shared by the vast majority of the population. I abhor any form of discrimination and support diversity in its many expressions – whether that be based on ethnicity, gender, sexual-orientation, or other – as the lifeblood of a thriving city.”
Aithcison is one of the four other candidates from the South Ward, who have signed the Rainbow Pledge, promising to support and protect LGBTQI communities, if they are elected to the council.
Victorian Pride Lobby Co-Convenor, Nevena Spirovska in a statement pointed out that the calls to a ban to funding for LGBTQI events would have a “detrimental effect” on local events like the Ballarat Frolic Festival.
“Ballarat has the fifth highest percentage of LGBTQI people of any local government area in Victoria. Yet this candidate wants to ban events funding going to LGBTQI events. A ban on events funding for groups, like the Ballarat Frolic Festival, would breach the Equal Opportunity Act. What this candidate is proposing is basically illegal. All of this candidate’s statements are disturbing and appalling. This Australia First candidate will put Ballarat last.” said Spirovska.
Jay Morrison, one of the three openly LGBTQI candidates for the Ballarat City Council (North Ward) and director of the Ballarat Frolic Festival, pointed out that Ballarat had voted “Yes” in support of same sex marriages in the 2017 national marriage equality vote.
“Growing up in regional Victoria, I’ve seen how much has changed and how much the community has embraced diversity. Councils play an important leadership role on LGBTQI issues – whether that’s flying the rainbow flag or supporting local pride events like the Ballarat Frolic Festival that connect the community, bring tourists to our region and support our local businesses,” said Morrison.
“Ballarat is home to a diverse LGBTQI community and there is no place in our city for hate or homophobia,” said Greens candidate for Ballarat City Council (South Ward) Jackson Snep. “Supporting and advocating for LGBTWI communities is something I take very seriously, and as a Greens-endorsed candidate and signatory to the Victorian Pride Lobby’s pledge, I believe our Council should strive to celebrate sexual and gender diversity by continuing to host and promote LGBTQI inclusive events like Frolic Festival. Council could play a critical role in the ongoing fight for equality, by advocating for human rights and working to end discrimination.”
This is not the first time Jakobi or the Australia First party has been in the news for their views. In 2016, the Herald Sun had reported about Jakobi who was then contesting the elections from Lalor, sent an email  linked to an anonymous post that referred to Wyndham as an “ethnic sewage farm” full of “hordes of non-white refugees.”
In the 2019 federal elections, Jakobi again contested as a candidate from Lalor for the Australia First party, where she promised to stop “plague level immigration and overpopulation chaos.” Jakobi was placed fifth in the 2019 Federal elections from the Lalor seat. She polled 4.4% of the first preference votes, an increase of 1.3% from the 2016 elections.
© Star Observer 2020 | For the latest in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) news in Australia, be sure to visit daily. You can also read our latest magazines or Join us on our Facebook page and Twitter feed.

Ballarat City Council Candidate Wants To Defund Queer Events



The following programme is being released as a leaflet in South Ward letter-boxes:


As you are aware, another local election is underway – and yet again the big mainstream political parties are attempting to gain greater influence over Ballarat Council. I propose that the time has come for the people of Ballarat to have the ultimate say in the future development of OUR city!

I am an Australian Nationalist; that means I stand only for the best interests of Australians. I stand against the idea of corporate government and the intrusion of Globalism into our beloved city; I have grave concerns about our population growth being tied to an excessive immigration program that is threatening the security of our country itself. I strongly believe that charity begins at home!!

A major cut in immoral, if not illegal, property and small business rates;
To drastically lower excessive wages for councillors, hence ending profiteering and making the move back towards a more volunteer-based Council;
Deny any further rates-funded and unnecessary overseas travel for the mayor or councillors;
The CEO and Board to be completely abolished, our city is NOT a corporation!;
Refuse to work in partnership with any organisation that compromises our prosperity, heritage and our cultural identity; such as overseas student programs that deprive Aussie youth of education, employment and affordable housing;
Freeze all funding to any event which does not promote the best general interest of the whole people of Ballarat (such as LGBTQI events and multicultural programs).
A simplified and affordable process for community groups to access public facilities;
The promotion of firearm safety through the re-re-establishment of Sebastopol Gun Club at its former site;
Greater community involvement for the beautification and maintenance of Ballarat;
For residents to have the legal right to reject any unwanted development or agenda that compromises the prosperity, heritage and cultural identity of our city;
Council fines should be limited to only flagrant and/or continuous breaches of any by-law, and not (as now) be regarded as revenue-raising;
We should not sit idle and allow our city to become an ethnic ghetto, like Greater Melbourne is. I see Ballarat under assault. And we need to stand up!
I will fight for YOU, as an independent representative for the people of Ballarat (without any influences from the powerful and corrupt mainstream political parties), to empower your rights so YOU can protect Ballarat from dangerous and treasonous agendas such as that posed by the Andrews governments ‘One Belt One Road Initiative’, a program that will see the destruction of the Australian way of life and the rise of Communist China over our country.



Australia First Party will be tested by the Australian Electoral Commission
(AEC) for its eligibility to remain a Federally-registered party. That test will be applied in September via the AEC’s usual process.
The maintenance of the party registration has been stressed to members in
recent communications.
The status of the party as a regularized structure, registered by the AEC,
has clear benefits for our nationalist cause. This goes well beyond the
pedestrian electoral benefits – our party name and logo on a ballot paper,
tax-deductible status, certain telecommunication information rights, and even
access to the electoral roll. Rather, it confers on our nationalist activism
a particular ‘legality’ at a time when globalism is restricting the rights of
Australians to freely organize against it. Meantime, a registered party has
rights in respect of meeting venues and public events, public communication
and the maintenance of a public presence.
Lately, nationalist-minded organisations have bonded together in a new
Australian Council of Nationalists, which involves two registered parties –
ourselves and Love Australia Or Leave. The registered parties offer a strong
centrifugal force for all forms of nationalist organisation in the community.
Australia First members have participated in a variety of electoral, community and cultural efforts both in a physical struggle and in the fight of
ideas. This will continue. The re-registration of the party in 2020 will be a signal that our members wish to intensify their efforts to develop our party
into a nationally organized movement with an impact in Australian politics. So, please, if you’re unsure about your registration status, get in touch with us (the number is available on this site) and make sure!
Moreover, please enlist as many friends and family members as you can! Australia needs every Australia First Party member it can get!


Dr Jim Saleam’s doctoral thesis on the Far-Right is unique, as it is the only scholarly work on Australia’s Far-Right produced by a participating nationalist who has come up against the varied forms of conservatism and patriotism. 

Dr Saleam’s inclusion in this history has in no way biased his account of the Far-Right, but better informed it.

Not too many works investigate this aspect of Australian history and those in existence are in the majority written by partisan academics either with a prejudice against the subject matter or else have failed to grasp the important nuances that can change one’s understanding of what motivated certain groups and individuals politically and ideologically. Subsequently, preconceptions of that period and those politics have been shed in favour of analysis which can temper our understanding of what passes for the Far-Right today.

By reading Dr Saleam’s thesis, one perceives that while times change, much stays the same. This work is essential for anybody active or becoming active in Australia’s counter-politics as it offers not only an interpretation of what has passed but on how the system continues to function.

Titled ‘The Other Radicalism: An Inquiry Into Contemporary Australian Extreme Right ideology, Politics And Organization 1975 – 1995’, it can be downloaded here in PDF format:;jsessionid=7BA9B2A609F69AF2CEE005268172CEB7?sequence=1



The Australia First Party National Conference of November 30 – December 1, 2013, adopted the following resolution. It is now given by the National Council as a key position statement of the Party.


Our Three Tiers for Civil Dissent

The experience of the Party shows that it continues to have difficulties with persons who may affiliate to it from time to time, but who wrongly conceive of it as yet another party built to contest elections and who reason that the current political system can be changed through elections and only through elections.

Such persons have been known to enter into an internal dispute with the party leadership and other members with the inevitable wastage of time and resources. It is usually the case that such persons have little awareness of the nature of the Australian political system and they seek to impose their limited views or prejudices upon the majority.

The political system in Australia is neither open for participation, nor pluralist, nor open to change by a vote that produces some sort of ‘parliamentary majority’ to permit a ‘government’ to legislate Australia out from its current status within the New World Order. It is a closed system where participation at its higher levels is only allowed upon agreement with its globalist and liberal ideology.

The present liberal-globalist system cannot be removed by a vote. It would refuse to be removed by a vote. It is too strong and too well-connected internally and externally to be removed by a vote.

The present system is a dictatorship of money exercised under the slogans of democracy and freedom. It is the property of a traitor class of power and wealth and is sustained by psychological manipulation via various forms of propaganda and through the liberal ideological hegemony exercised in all things in the daily lives of our people (in education, workplace and social rules, in law and so on) and ultimately by internal management of opposition, with the final sanction – violence. This group holds power and exercises it on its behalf and for the New World Order system from the outside and to which it is loyal.

Power does not lie in the parliament. Parliament is both a formal tool for the enactment of laws whose content is decided elsewhere and deception of the people. It is held by the system that it is the place to come and to change things freely. It is in one sense a lure to defuse popular challenge.

The parliament is but one institution of the state that owns the traitor class. Courts, gaols, intelligence groups, the military, media, the education system and the civil service and so forth are equal entities of the state.

At this point, the party rejects the notion that a challenge to the system can be mounted only through electioneering and through the (hopeful) election of representatives into the parliaments. In particular, the capture the national parliament either by a party that accepted its asserted-rationale as the ‘supreme’ body of the nation or even by a party that rejected this notion and which had applied the alternate methods advanced below, would not possess that party of actual power. Controlling one institution of the state does not confer power. To concentrate the resources of the party in acquiring control of one institution of the state would be consequently – a misapplication of limited means.

To remove what should be understood as a dictatorship, once voting is discounted, there remain two methods – violence or civil dissent.

The Party rejects violence.

Civil Dissent must be Mobilized

The political method of the Party is the Three-Tier Method.  This means the Party performs three operations simultaneously, each integrated into the other and inseparable. When summed together, they amount to Civil Dissent.


A.   The Party Contests Elections

The Party contests elections to assess the level of its support, to engage with people around local issues they understand but which serve to inculcate nationalist ideology and politics into their understanding, to develop its profile and its structure and it seeks to elect members to public office to utilise the benefits of office to further develop profile and structure and discredit the politics of the state.

The electoral contest demands a different type of campaign and candidate; the campaign serves a purpose not simply votes-collection and the candidate serves a cause and the people and if elected treats with contempt the ‘office’ to which one has been chosen – one serves the cause and the people alone.


B.   The Party Undertakes Community Action


We protest Harvey Norman recruiting Third World fake refugee scab labour ahead of Australians

Community action is the most fertile and the widest area of party activism. Community action may involve a local issue, the activities of a historical association, or a union, or a club, or corrupt politicians, the contention that allows the Party to intervene – to mobilize resistance, or win a victory, or to promote its profile. The Party relies upon its local knowledge and local contacts. It extends its influence into the community. It may use that influence to support the most fertile form of electoral action, Council campaigning.

Community action may also involve working as a social action group with disadvantaged people – homeless, pensioners, youth, unemployed – to serve the Australian people and to develop its roots amongst the people.

Wantirna Caravan Park residents in Melbourne, facing eviction in 2018 from Chinese developers

The Party may work as a lobby group or activist structure with farmers groups, or truckies, or labourers, all social strata challenged by the globalising system. It is in community struggle that the Party proves to its members and followers that it can win and it establishes the resources to mount challenges to the state power.


C.  The Party Pursues Ideological and Cultural Struggle


It clarifies its criticism of the system to provide the dissenting Australian with clarity of position and faith that a change can be made and a superior system takes the place of anti-national liberal globalism. The ideology defines Australia’s past and present and charts the path to an Australian Future of Identity, Independence and Freedom.

Connected to the development of an Australianist ideology, is the necessary defence of Australian heritage and identity and essential lifestyle at every point. The Party must be viewed in public as their best defence mechanism for heritage and identity and that the ideology arises from this need. Party campaigns and structures must be built to sustain its third tier of struggle.

The Party says that the correct application of the Three-Tier Method would ultimately produce, struggle upon struggle in deepening impact, a situation of mass civil dissent.

Dissent may be extended in stages to the civil uprising, the essentially legal if the socially messy and chaotic form, of political change.

By challenging every aspect of the system’s politics, at each point where the state exercises power, to weaken it, to disrupt it, to create a counter politics and in the final stages, a counter authority, must be our method. It is the hard road but the only road that builds the Party.

The Party is unique in Australia’s political history. Because the Party says that civil dissent is its model it is outside of the normal discourse and it recognizes that its enemies will resist it with greater energy. There is no other option.

The Party is not an electoral machine but strives to be a machine for change, an organized force waging a struggle not against supposedly rival parties but against a state machine and its agents.

The Party pledges to surmount all obstacles to win the victory.



The party in New South Wales is registered under the Local Government Act (1993) to contest Council elections.

Accordingly, the party created a general programme. This document is the basic starting point for Council campaigns in that State and has been used in the same way for campaigns in other States. It also guides the local branches of the party in defining their local struggles.

Councils Programme

This programme is put forward to the people, not to narrow the fight for political change to the activities of one party, but to broaden and deepen every aspect of independent politics at the Local

Government level. The party fights for the following principles and will support any candidate who espouses any of the following points.

To ensure the office of mayor and shire president becomes or remains open to direct popular election.

  • To adopt Citizens’ Initiated Referenda (CIR) in every Local Government area, either by a decision of the relevant council or by persuasion at State Government level that it legislates for CIR for the whole State; and to encourage citizens to exercise their direct popular rights of the initiative.
  • To support all independent candidates to achieve office when and where their beliefs are not inimical to those of Australian identity, independence and freedom.
  • To protect, defend and promote public awareness of, in every Local Government area, all aspects of Australia’s Heritage as a European society with a unique national culture and tradition.
  • To refuse all funding and support for those efforts of Federal and State governments that undermine Australia’s Heritage.
  • To introduce binding contracts of service on all elected representatives.
  • To sponsor the phased growth of local control over areas of government which directly impact upon the lives of the citizen, and where this may prove impossible by the dead weight of existent legislation, to organize the weight of local public opinion via popular mobilization to achieve this goal.
  • To sponsor, particularly in country areas of the State, grassroots action committees.

These committees should become informal groupings of patriotic people and other concerned citizens, outside of the party, and answerable to local people.

Such committees should organize to transform their areas/towns into multicultural-free zones, to support every manifestation of Australian patriotism and heritage and every campaign in their defence; they could mobilize to ensure community control over local societies and associations and at the grassroots ensure the moral rearmament and re-enculturation of their fellow Australians.

Such committees could play a role in popular struggles to enforce the rights of farmers and workers against the interests of the banks and other authorities. In a counter-power struggle against dominant liberal-globalist ideology, such organs of popular initiative could lead the fight for CIR and subsequently formulate proposals for their communities.


The Electoral And Community Programme of The Australia First Party is published to encourage people’s action to secure Australian Identity, Independence and Freedom.

The programme shall be used to sharpen any social or local issue of community significance to mobilize Australians outside of major political parties and organisations, both for electoral and in community action.

The programme is based upon the Eight Core Policies of our party published here as an appendix. These Core Policies are a part of our articles of association and are general statements of principle. It is upon these Core Policies that the current programme is put forward to the Australian People.

As should be expected, this programme may be added to, and slightly modified, as political conditions develop.

Any Australia First Party representative elected to public office is pledged to advocate the Eight Core Policies and to advance the Electoral And Community Programme. All Australia First Party activists also advocate our policies and programme to their fellow Australians.

The Electoral And Community Programme addresses issues of both the present and the future. Our supporters must be told and our party says it openly and without reservation or fear, that our ultimate aim is to achieve such policy changes in the direction of our country that we would be required to constitute a government empowered to regain the National Sovereignty of the Australian Nation. Thence we would return political power, wealth and law, to the possession of the Australian People – and, as a consequence, remove from influence those assorted foreign connected elites who now constitute a traitor class.

Our party is a historical party. Yes, it is called forth by the chaos into which Australia is plunging and is charged with directing action and constructing policy to restore our sovereignty, our rights and our freedom; it fights today within the logic and structures of the current system, but it also knows that to free Australia and better the lives of our People, the party must embrace the principle of the historical great social Promise of Australia; a free land of free men and women enjoying the fruits of their labour and exercising their democratic power directly.

The goal and the idea set forth by the pioneers and founders and defenders of our land is a trust and our party struggles to actualize the Promise as the reward of all.

Australia First Party has the mantle of strength conferred of a historical mission. It tells us that the men and women who live for this mission are of the same mettle as those from our past. They will fight for the true cause of Australian Independence and they will surmount all obstacles – and win the victory!

National Council, Australia First Party, May 2012.

Electoral and Community Programme


We Pledge to Implement These Policies

  1. The Australian People demand that WE the people should be represented in the parliaments and councils by elected representatives of our choosing and that we not be the victims of cynical, corrupt, and foreign-loyal party machines which have the final approval of the selection of our representatives; all such representatives must be citizens of Australia only and swear their oath to Australia only.
  1. The Australian People demand the Implementation of Citizens’ Initiated Referendum and Voters’ Right of Recall of parliamentarians and councillors, so we the people can directly propose the laws and get rid of unresponsive leaders.
  1. The Australian People demand accountability for all politicians, and for all those who have failed and corrupted Australia, sold the country to foreign states and agencies, or devoted themselves to globalization, or been citizens of foreign states while in office, we pledge to nationalize their personal property and deny them parliamentary pensions and benefits.
  1. The Australian People demand the promotion and rebuilding of Australian Primary and Manufacturing industries to provide Australian jobs for Australian workers, providing the needs of the majority of Australians; and such that these technologies and skills survive in Australia.
  1. The Australian People demand resolute measures to ensure the protection of the natural heritage and environment and eco-systems of our Native Land against degradation, pollution and abuse.
  1. The Australian People demand the formation of an Australian People’s Bank, based upon the original charter of the Commonwealth Bank of 1912, so the national government can issue low-cost credit for commerce and housing and debt-free credit for public works, to limit interest rates and to eliminate the private control of the Nation’s credit. The functions of an Australian People’s Bank should be extended to provide service for the projects of State governments.
  1. The Australian People demand the control of currency exchange rates to end speculation in the national currency and resources.
  1. The Australian People demand Taxation Reform, its simplification to end the exemptions for the speculators, the multinationals and the super-rich and by the progressive introduction of a Debit Tax at a rate that allows it to replace most other taxes and collected electronically on all financial Institution withdrawals/transfers.
  1. The Australian People demand progressive reduction of foreign ownership and control of Australian industries, real estate and resources.
  1. The Australian People demand the end of all immigration for a long period; the repudiation of all treaties on refugees; the severest restriction against any foreign contract labour and a full guarantee any such workers return to their country of origin at the end of their contracts; the end of residency status for foreign students; the end of multiculturalism; the phased repatriation of those who cannot, or will not, assimilate to Australia; the immediate cancellation of citizenship and residence of former refugees and immigrants convicted of criminal offences and their return to their country of origin.
  1. The Australian People demand that Australia’s own European-derived culture, heritage and moral values be advanced at all levels of government and society, and be integral to the educational curriculum.
  1. The Australian People demand the public ownership of all essential services – namely roads (and the abolition of tolls), water supplies, domestic energy supplies, postal services, rail services.
  1. The Australian People demand that the Australian road transport industry be freed of petty over-regulation and control and operate to encourage smaller companies while Driving should become an accredited trade profession; there must be the end of world-parity-pricing for fuel and the creation of a domestic fuel industry.

14 The Australian People demand protection for Australian farmers by the provision of a guaranteed national market and pricing system, such that all food necessary to sustain the Australian People may be grown in Australia and regional Australia be maintained.

  1. The Australian People demand the scrapping of all United Nations treaties that overrule our Federal and State constitutions that we may protect our freedoms and defend our national sovereignty.
  1. The Australian People demand that the scourge of illegal drugs be confronted and dealt with by compulsory detoxification and community integration, parental input into the treatment of addicts, and the suppression of drug networks by special detention and the application of a death penalty for serious drug trafficking and drug manufacture.
  1. The Australian People demand the establishment of a Historical Truth Commission to determine the untold history of our country, explore the depths of criminal corruption and false conviction and imprisonment and to release secret information held on our citizens.
  1. The Australian People demand capital punishment for odious crimes such as treason, serial murder, mutilation murder and sex crimes leading to death, and other grave offences as the people by referendum decide.
  1. The Australian People demand the abolition of the adversary system of justice – civil and criminal – and the institution of an independent, investigative system with trained and qualified judges and magistrates equipped to find the whole truth in all matters; they must be without political allegiance and swear an oath of loyalty to the nation; the courts must uphold compensation for the innocent, the jury trial and its extension to appeals and otherwise uphold our common law rights and freedoms.
  1. The Australian People demand a single national superannuation scheme operated and guaranteed by the Commonwealth, with our savings invested only in Australian projects and with other schemes bought back or nationalized as circumstances demand and their overseas investments progressively discontinued.
  1. The Australian People demand that the Australian armed forces not be employed in foreign service and that they are adapted exclusively for continental defence unless Australia declares a state of war.
  1. The Australian People demand the responsible ownership of firearms as a constitutional right subject only to regulation and the retention with this of the right of the citizen to home defence.
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